Camp Is Right Around The Corner!

We are so excited to see your campers at Banner soon.
Over the next few months, you will receive information from Banner via email. If you are not receiving information from camp, please let us know right away. You can use this guide to know what to expect as you prepare for camp.
How do I complete camp forms?
The following forms can be filled out on our website in the Family Login area:
- Grouping
- Photo
- Transportation
- Lunch
- Health
You will need your log on ID and password; these were emailed to you when you enrolled. If you need assistance, please call the camp office at 847.295.4900. We will be emailing reminders and more information regarding these forms. If your email has changed, please let us know right away.
When will we receive camp t-shirts?
Camp t-shirts are mailed out at the end of May. If you have not received your t-shirts by June 11, please let us know so we can get new shirts sent to you before the first day of camp. Campers will receive three shirts; Junior and Senior campers will receive three white logo shirts and Tweens will receive two gold Tween shirts in the mail and their third shirt for color wars their first week of camp.
When will we receive information about buses and groups?
Bus times and camp nametags will be mailed out in early June. We do not send group lists. If you have specific questions regarding grouping, please call Melanie at the camp office. Ron or Ari will follow up regarding consistent schedules for each address.
Can I talk to my child’s counselor prior to camp beginning?
All age-level Leadership will call you prior to the start of camp. They will ask you about your child; their likes, dislikes and about any other information we may need to know in order to help them have a wonderful camp experience. Your Leadership Team person will be your main contact at camp. They will call throughout the summer to give you details about your child’s experience. Should any questions or concerns arise, please reach out to us right away.
Your child’s camp counselor will call home and introduce themselves prior to their first day of camp. If your child is beginning camp on the first day, June 21, you should expect a call from them on Thursday, June 17 in the late afternoon or evening. If you are starting later, they will call you prior to your child’s first day of camp.
You will be able to meet the bus staff on June 18 as they practice their afternoon routes between 3:00pm and 4:30pm if you begin on 6/21. They will be dropping off some bus notes to each home on their route. If you are interested in meeting the bus staff, please be outside and waiting for them during this time.
What do we need for camp?
Your camper will wear a Banner t-shirt everyday. You will receive complimentary shirts in the mail prior to camp. They should also come to camp wearing close-toed gym shoes and have sunscreen on when the bus picks them up. Please pack sunscreen (for reapplication), a bathing suit, pool shoes/flip flops and a sweatshirt or rain jacket in their backpack each day. Label all belongings with your camper’s name and bench number. Banner does have a towel service so there is no need to pack a towel. There are water stations throughout camp so that campers do not need to carry a water bottle however they can bring one if they would like for the bus.
Important Dates
March 1
- Grouping Form Due
- Transportation Form Due
April 1
- Health Form Due
- Photo Due
- Lunch Form Due
June 1
- Lunch Menu Due
June 5
- New Camper Orientation (rain date is June 6)
June 21
- First Day of Camp!