Staff Positions
We take great pride in our staff. Our counselors are carefully selected for their maturity, enthusiasm and commitment to children. All staff members are expected to give their fullest effort each day of the summer.

The Staffing Process
Our staffing season begins in late fall as we select the most qualified and child-oriented individuals. To become part of the Banner team, you must have experience working with children and skill knowledge in a variety of camp activities. Staff members must participate actively in all staff development, orientation, and training sessions.
The Application
The first step in applying for a job at Banner is to fill out our online application. Our application inquires about personal background and experience working with children and being in a camp setting. All applicants must also submit multiple personal and work related references. Once Banner reviews your application, we may select you to come in for a thorough interview with a member of the Leadership Team. Every person interested in a position at camp must have a face-to-face interview and multiple reference checks.
Hiring & Training
Banner Day Camp only hires the most qualified individuals to work at camp. We provide our staff the finest training available so they can excel in our camp setting. All staff members undergo an intense, week-long orientation which includes training in safety, child development and camp procedures. Throughout the summer, staff development continues during evening staff meetings and through daily mentoring by the Leadership Team. There are a variety of positions at camp for applicants with different interests and skill levels.
Apply Now
If you are like many college students, you may be focused on finding internships and summer employment within your future field. People may steer you away from working at camp by suggesting you need to find a more “serious” summer job. In reality, working at camp will prepare you in many ways for the “real world”; you just need to be able to express what you learned and how the experience prepared you to be successful in your next job.

Camp and Roving Counselors
Group and Roving Counselors are needed in each of Banner’s age level divisions:
- Banner Beginnings | 3 and 4-year-olds
- Junior Camp | Pre-K through completion of Kindergarten
- Senior Camp | Completion of first through third grade
- Tween Camp | Completion of fourth through sixth grade

Specialty Counselors
- Archery
- Arts & Crafts
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Bumper Boats
- Bungee Trampoline
- Canoeing
- Ceramics
- Climbing Wall
- Cooking
- Creative Movement
- Creative Play
- Dance
- Drama
- Dune Buggies
- Farm
- Fishing
- Floor Hockey
- Football
- Games
- Go-Karts
- Gymnastics
- High Ropes
- Kayaking
- Lifeguards
- Musical Theater
- Nature
- Paintball
- Pom Pon
- Pioneering
- Rocketry & Model Building
- Sand Volleyball
- Singing
- Sewing
- Soccer
- Storytelling
- Swimming
- Yoga
- Zip Line

Support Staff
- Graphic Design Intern
- Photographer
- Receptionist
- Transportation
- Bus Assistant
- Errand Runners
- Program Runners
- Front Porch Greeter
- Program Assistant
- Security
- Kitchen Assistant
- Custodial Crew
- Maintenance Crew
- Nurses
- Sound Technician
- Snack Station Attendant