Welcome to Summer 2020!
Preparing For Camp
Summer 2020 will certainly be unique, but we are thrilled that we are able to spend another summer at our favorite place! With camp starting in just a few days, we wanted to share a few reminders.
Prior to camp beginning:
• Group counselors started calling their camp groups last night to say hello and introduce themselves. They will continue to call throughout the weekend. If you missed their call, don’t worry! They will try again.
• Begin filling out your camper’s daily health survey if you haven’t already started. Please let us know if you have any issues logging in and submitting the form. This form should be submitted every morning during the summer.
For the first day of camp:
• Please have your campers wear their camp nametags the first few days of camp in addition to their white Banner t-shirt. Our staff will walk each and every camper to their pod meeting location and once there, they will meet up with their camp group.
• Please only send items that your camper needs for the day – bathing suit, pool shoes (flip flops or natives), sunscreen, a change of clothes (for junior campers only) and a sweatshirt/rain jacket for unexpected weather. We do have a towel service at camp and recommend taking advantage of that service this summer.
• If you pack a lunch for your camper, you will need to pack the lunch in single-use, disposable packaging. Nothing from lunch will be returned home per IDPH guidelines.
• Make sure to label all of our camper’s belongings. If you are missing anything at the end of the camp day, please let us know right away. This summer, we can only keep lost and found for 24 hours.
• Please have your camper in a mask for the bus. We ask that you send your camper with a zip lock bag to put their mask in when they are not needing to wear them. We will label the zip lock bags and the counselor will collect them at the beginning of the day. This will help to make sure that the campers have masks whenever they need them.
Most importantly, we ask that you, as a member of our camp community, do what you can to keep our campers safe as well. If your camper is sick, please keep them home. If your family member is positive for COVID-19, we ask that you follow the CDC guidelines and family self-quarantine. Additionally, we ask that you do whatever you can to keep your family and camper(s) healthy. We truly are in this together and we look forward to giving your campers a wonderful summer.
As always, please reach out with any questions. We can’t wait for Monday!